πŸ’³ How to Make a Test Card Donation

  1. Navigate to https://sandbox.thegivingblock.com/?version=2&organizationId=((YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID))
  2. Select Card and specify any donation amount.
  3. Click Donate.
  4. On the next screen, either select an anonymous donation or provide your personal details.
  5. Optionally, enter an email address to receive a receipt.
  6. Enter the following card details:
    1. Card Number: Use one of these test card numbers:
      1. 4012000100000007
      2. 4242424242424242
      3. 4012888888881881
    2. Cardholder Name: Enter your name.
    3. Expiration Date: Choose a future date.
    4. CVC Code: Any code will work.
  7. Click Donate to complete the process.